Today, for this post, I am going to indulge. Visually speaking. Less is more as far as words are concerned, in this particular case.
Recently, our wonderful friends, Paula and Cy DeCosse, were our fantastic hosts for a weekend in Florence, where we celebrated Cy's 'Last Picture Show' at the Galleria dell'Accademia. The weekend was enriched with the presence of many of Cy's subjects for his show--the Florentines who make the city the buzzing hub of artisan creativity--, friends from all over the world, and, of course...gorgeous food.
Following the opening at the Accademia, we headed to the Stibbert Museum (think Versailles re-done by an eccentric Scotsman with a penchant for armor). The museum was the residence of a one Fredrick Stibbert, whose grandfather was the high commander of Britain's East India Company in Bengal. With the inheritance of his grandfather's entire estate, Fredrick's sole occupation became filling up the place with stuff. Lots of stuff. As in there is a hall for a complete Cavalcade.
Once we'd feasted our eyes on the horror vacui around us, we sat down to the following:
(Carrot pudding with lobster, toasted pine nuts and basil oil)
(Crepes au gratin with bufala ricotta cheese and spinach)
(Vermicelli with vegetable sauce)
(Beef Tuscan style with Brunello red wine sauce & Braised Belgian endive with bacon)
(Amaretto cake)
Needless to say, after all of this, we all rolled down the hill to taxis. The evening was a special one not only because Cy's show was such a crowning moment in his homage to a city and a people he has loved for over sixty years, but the food as well as the venue reflected the best of Florence: one part opulence, one part humility, and one part absolute quirkiness, a certain brand of which can only can be found there.
Stay tuned for more quirkiness to come!
Stay tuned for more quirkiness to come!
Annie, I have been catching up on your blog. It looks wonderful!
Hey, thanks, Dena! It's so nice to know there are people out there reading. Any exciting new things you've tasted lately in the 'bul?
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